If you are looking for healthcare jobs in Singapore, you will need a Singapore employment pass. You can apply for Singapore employment pass via MOM (Ministry of Manpower) once you receive an offer letter from the hiring company. Job search Singapore can be hard, given the competitive global talent landscape and limited quota faced by most employers. Most jobs in Singapore can be founded via job portals.

Discover Healthcare Opportunities in Singapore!

Planned for a healthcare career in Singapore? Then it is important to know about Singapore employment pass and get the right assistance. We are happy to help you all in this journey! If you're looking for a healthcare job in Singapore, Healthcare Career Groove is the perfect portal to find suitable healthcare jobs in Singapore. Our career portal is designed for different healthcare professionals, including locum tenens, occupational therapists, diagnostic radiographers, nurses, healthcare assistants and many more. It's an ideal place for both employers and prospective employees to get connected.

An employment pass is a required work permit that enables foreigners to work in Singapore, equivalent to a work visa. Foreign healthcare professionals who wants to participate in Singapore's booming healthcare industry are required to get this pass.

Eligibility Criteria

There are requirements to be met before a person can apply for a Singapore Employment Pass. Before beginning your job hunt, it is important that you have a firm grasp of these prerequisites.

Documents Required for Singapore Employment Pass

Our exhaustive guide on Health Career Groove will take you through each stage of the documentation process for a Singapore Employment Pass. We ensure that you have the necessary documents to obtain your pass.

Validity of a Singapore Employment Pass

Once you've successfully obtained your Singapore Employment Pass, you'll want to know how long it's valid. We provide you with insights into the pass's duration, allowing you to plan your career trajectory with confidence.


Understanding the pay range is one of the most important aspects of any job hunt. You can do your research about the pay range offered in the market. To be eligible for employment pass, you will require a job that pays you a minimum monthly salary of SGD 5,000. The entry age to apply for an EP is 23 years old. For more detailed information, please refer to this Ministry of Manpower site. It's time to advance your career future with the best job search Singapore on our platform.

How to Get a Job with Singapore Employment Pass

Finding a job in Singapore is a step closer to realizing your career dreams. Health Career Groove connects you with established healthcare companies in Singapore. Explore our job listings and take the first step towards a fulfilling healthcare career in Singapore. 

Job Categories

Our website features different categories of healthcare jobs in Singapore, thus ensuring that you will discover the ideal match based on your skillset and goals. Whether you're interested in nursing, physiotherapy, medicine, radiography, dentistry, management and administration, or even remote work, we've got you covered. Healthcare Career Groove is your entry point into the world of healthcare jobs in Singapore.

Keep in mind the terms “Singapore employment pass,” “job search Singapore,” and healthcare jobs in Singapore while you look for healthcare employment prospects in Singapore. You can do your research over these topics, but you will always find suitable jobs and useful content on Healthcare Career Groove.

When you start your job search with Health Career Groove, you're taking the first step toward a better, more satisfying future in the healthcare industry. Come on board now and get your career future moving in Singapore!